You do! Whether you are an employer or self-employed, are you sure that you’re up to date with how to identify the hazards and control the risks from your work? Do you know how to get help... Read more
Your Managers and Supervisors
Your Managers and Supervisors do! If you employ managers or supervisors they need to know what you expect from them in terms of health and safety, and how you expect them to deliver
Your Employees
Your employees do! Everyone who works for you, including self-employed people, needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health. Like your supervisors, they need to know about your health…
Your Contractors
Contractors and Self-Employed people who may be working for you do! Remember, these people might not be familiar with your working environment and safety systems that you have put in place for regular employees
As technology and business continues to grow and evolve, safety in the workplace...
SAFETY HAZARDS: These are the most common and will be present in most workplaces at one time or...
Prohibition This is the most extreme control strategy that can be applied, in particular where there is no...